dijous, 31 de maig del 2012


Last 7th of April I went to Millenium (a disco in Girona) because it was the “3rd bithday of Midnight.”
It was one of my favourite nights, it was awesome! A lot of DJ's came and there were a lot of people. 
 First, Luka Caro introduced the song “The Black Pearl” (remix of Piratas del Caribe) and after Tom Boxer and Morena sang their hit “Deep in love”. After that, Luka Caro presents his new hit “Running Away”. After a while, Marsal Ventura put “Levantala” a new hit too. In total, this night there were 11 Dj's. 
 When I think about the night I get “goosebumps” because the night was amazing and I had a very good night with my best friends, my boyfriend and his friends. 
I really want to go another midnight because in my opinion it is the best party.

dilluns, 14 de maig del 2012

Education in South Korea


Hello, we are Sara, Marina and Aida and our project is about Education in South Korea. We decided to do this project when we saw a documental about their life and we thought that it could be interesting.

How is student life

In South Korea education is very important. The students think that if they study a lot, when they become adults they will have a very good job. Their education is concentrated only in studying all the time.
There are children that while they’re sleeping, their parents put on a CD of different lessons, so that the children learn a little bit more while they fall asleep.
The children are surprised when they see that the European students play more than study, because they don’t ever play.
The adolescents think that they have got more pressure when they think about their future.  


When the children are little they do military service to behave better in the school and to get more discipline. They do this military service because it helps them for the access exams to go to university.

How many hours they study?

South Korean students study around 19 hours a day, between public school and private classes. They start their classes at 7.30 am and they finish them at 6.pm. After that they do a lot of private classes and they finish all at approximately 1.00 am. They only sleep 5 hours at day. The parents of the students think that time is gold and they have to study all the hours possible.

What is better, private school or public school?

The South Korean mothers think that in public schools their children don't learn and so that they have got a good future, they have to sleep only 5 hours at day. The adolescents study around 50 and 70 hours a week, between in public school and private classes.

Private classes

The students are obsessed with private classes. The parents pay around 3.500€ every month for them. They think that education is the most important expenditure. Only one class cost 1000€.
The job of the majority of South Koreans is do private classes.


70 years ago, 7 of 10 people were illiterate and the society decided to make a change and now there aren't many illiterate people. Thanks to that, South Korea is the 13th strongest country in the world
The South Koreans are 3rd in maths, 2nd in reading, 4th in science and 1st in resolution of mathematics problems.


The adolescents suffer more from schooling; for example, depression stress and sleep disorders. Every month there are 1000 people in treatment. These people have attempted suicide a lot of times because they think that education manipulates them. When they tell to their family and their friends that they don't like study, they suffer bullying. They become mentally ill.
According to a study, in 2009, 202 South Korean students of primary, secondary and university committed suicide. Double than the year before.


On the one hand, we are disappointed with this system education because the children don’t have time to enjoy and they lost all their childhood. They only study all day and don’t relate to each other because they never have time.
On the other hand, we think that their education is better than our education and they are more intelligent than us because they study more time. 

dijous, 10 de maig del 2012

My perfect day

My perfect day is to travel to New York with an empty suitcase and go shopping untill the suitcase is full.
I would like to buy in shops like Victoria's Secret, Macys, Bloomingdales, Tiffanys,...
After, I would like to travel to Paris with another empty suitcase and start shopping again!
I will visit all the shops on The Champs Elysée. When I am tired, I will have one drink at the top of the Eiffel Tower and go home with all my clothes!