dimecres, 6 de juny del 2012

Final reflection

I think that this year I learnt a lot of new vocabulary, for example: Disease, unfaithful, goosebumps, …  Also, I think that I can get better marks in english.
I recogize that I’m lazy but in this 3rd term I studied more than other terms and my blog was better than the 2nd term.

This year I miss to do activities in the language room, for example: watch a film, do a speaking, play board games,... I know that I'm in batxillerat but I think that it's a good system for learn English because we learn and we have a good time too. I think that it was a little boring to did exercice all the time and we sometimes are "disconnected" in class and after we didn't learn all the concepts.

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

NEWS: Traps by England

The British team for rhythmic finished their attempt to be in the Olympics crying. They did not get the 44.950 points required for its Federation and the British Olympic Committee to represent their country. First the team were sad but then they decided to demand  of a court of Arbitration to fulfill its Olympic dream. They were successful! The Court of Arbitration for Sports has given the country its reason. England has never been strong  gymnastics. But in recent years, thanks to more dedication and training the British gymnastic teams have been more successful. Still they only finished 29th in the world in the championships of 2010. Let us see what  Beth Tweddle, Daniel Purvis, Daniel Keating and Louis Smith can do this year in London Olympics .

NEWS: Crisis in Bankia

The State took the lead yesterday with Bank Savings Financial and its subsidiary Bankia-which has  45% of capital through the Bank Restructuring Fund (FROB). FROB is how the   Government and the Bank of Spain want to restructure the financial area. This fund was the holder of a loan of 4.465 million euros to BPA is now transformed into capital at the request of the institution itself, which acknowledges its inability to repay the money. Just as well the history of BFA-Bankia as independent financial group with more than ten million customers and assets of about 300,000 million. Now the group must approve a viability plan and restructure its business and its board under the supervision of the Bank of Spain, the Ministry of Economy and Brussels. There will be a plan to sell assets, business units, office closures and staff adjustments.


This song is very special for me and when I listen it I feel so right, as the song says.

How many times have I tried to tell you

I'm in love with you
How many days have I spent close to you
Never knowing what to do

Now the time has come for me to lose my fear
Now that things are so damn clear
Gonna take the plunge and tell you how I feel
Cause this feeling is so real

You've got me in a trance boy
You give me butterflies
You make me feel so right

Don't want no other man boy
You've got me hypnotized
Oh boy I feel so right
So right!

Girl I love you
Girl I want you
Girl I need you
I'm a give ya what you need
Yo money ain't the thing
Remmember that
Just love, no fear no nothin' 
When I'm comin' back, back, back
Baby I'm your kinda guy
You know that
We lovin'
We lovin'

Back back

We lovin'

Back back

We lovin'

Back back

We lovin'

Back back

We, we lo, we lovin'

How many times have I tried to tell you
I'm in love with you
How many days have I spent close to you
Never knowing what to do

Now the time has come for me to lose my fear
Now that things are so damn clear
Gonna take the plunge and tell you how I feel
Cause this feeling is so real

You've got me in a trance boy
You give me butterflies
You make me feel so right

Don't want no other man boy
You've got me hypnotized
Oh boy I feel so right
So Right!


I feel so right!!

Girl I love ya too
I'm rockin' with my boo
So sexy shakin' it
We jumpin' on da floor
Yo baby shake that hips
Make me your crazy things
Don't let the party stop
Until the sunshine reings

Back back

We we lovin'

Back back

We we lovin'


Quantes vegades he tractat de dir-te 
Estic enamorada de tu 
Quants dies he passat a prop teu
 Sense saber què fer 
Ara ha arribat el meu moment per perdre la por
 Ara que les coses són tan clares, maleïda 
Vaig a fer el pas i dir-te el que sento 
Perquè aquest sentiment és tan real 
Em tens en un nen de tràngol
 Em fas papallones
 Em fas sentir tan bé 
No vull cap altre home, noi
 Em tens hipnotitzada 
Oh noi em sento tan bé
Així que bé! 

Noia T'estimo
 Noia et vull 
Noia et necessito 
Et donaré el que necessitis 
Jo els diners no és el recorda que
 Només l'amor, ni por ni res 
Quan estic de tornada venir, tornar, tornar 
Noia que sóc el teu tipus d'home 
Tu sap que
 Ens encanta
 Ens encanta tornar enrera
 Ens encanta tornar enrera
A nosaltres ens encanta tornar enrera
Ens encanta tornar enrera
Nosaltres, que aquí proposo, ens encanta 

Quantes vegades he tractat de dir-te
Estic enamorada de tu
Quants dies he passat a prop teu
Sense saber què fer 
Ara ha arribat el meu moment per perdre la por
Ara que les coses són tan clares, maleïda 
Vaig a fer el pas i dir-te el que sento 
Perquè aquest sentiment és tan real 
Em tens en un nen de tràngol 
Em fas papallones 
Em fas sentir tan bé
No vull cap altre home, noi 
Em tens hipnotitzada
 Oh noi em sento tan bé
 Així de bé! 
 Em sento tan bé!

 Noia t'estimo massa 
Estic rockin 'amb la meva boo 
Així Shakin sexy 'que
 Estem saltant sobre el pis dóna 
Jo m'agitaré els teus malucs, noi
 Em fan les seves coses boges
 No deixis que la festa pari
 Fins que el sol surti tornar enrera
 A nosaltres ens encanta  tornar enrera
 A nosaltres ens encanta

NEWS: Guardiola leaves to Barça

The coach, Pep Guardiola, announced to his players on Friday morning that he will stop being Braça´s trainer.This is officially announced this afternoon at a press conference with the club president, Sandro Rosell, and sports director, Andoni Zubizarreta. Guardiola announced on Tuesday, after being eliminated from the Champions League against Chelsea, that this week would be time for a decision. On Wednesday after meeting with the president, Sandro Rosell, with the vice president and manager of the sports area Josep Maria Bartholomew, and the club's sporting director, Andoni Zubizarreta, Guardiola promised to give an answer on Friday. This morning he announced his decision to the President and then the staff-before-training, before the club made ​​public what is the future of the coach.

My birthday

On the 19th of April I had my birthday- I was 17 years old. On the morning of the 21st I went to Roses to my boyfriend´s house to celebrate with his family. I stayed for lunch and they bought me a fantastic chocolate dessert with strawberries and cream.
In the afternoon my boyfriend took me to Castelló and I wanted to get ready with my friend Sara but she was not there so I got ready at home. At 9 0´clock we went to the Sala municipal to watch  Barça- Madrid play football. After we went to Figueres to a restaurant.
Sara called my boyfriend to tell him he had left his wallet at her house, so we went to her house to collect it. Sara´s mother told us to go to the garage to collect the wallet. When we went in to the garage my friends and my mother had organized a surprise party for me there. After a great party we went to Sikim.
It was an amazing birthday!


At Easter I went camping with my friends.
We went for two nights and three days in Llançà, a campsite near the beach.

The first day we got up early to go and buy food and later in the morning we went to the campsite. Once we arrived we set up and the others went to make the lunch.
After lunch, we went to the village and we spent the afternoon in a park for exercise and played football.
Towards evening, we returned to the campsite to make dinner, the boys went because they  wanted to meet girls but they did not .

The second day we went to the supermarket  in Llança to buy food that we needed,some stayed at the campsite.
Once we were all in the campsite, we heard a man shouting and singing, it seemed that he was crazy.
That night (the last) man began to follow Elsa around the campsite. From that time we began to fear.

The third day, when we awoke, we needed to eat but there was no food! We thought it was the man that took it as all the time he was where our tents were.

Film: Sorry if I call you love

Alex Belli is a good publicist that finished a relationship with his long term girlfriend.
One day, he meets a beautiful teenager called Niki.
Niki is a very optimist, nice and happy girl and they fall in love. But when Alex's ex-girlfriend decides to give one more opportunity to Alex, he returns with her.
While, Niki waits for him secretly  if he changes his mind.