diumenge, 1 de desembre del 2013

Plastic Surgery

Presentation (10%)
Do you use any resources? Are the resources relevant and attractive and focused on the topic? Do they support your presentation? Is the timing 5-7 minutes?

Yes, we used a power-point. Yes, it helped me a lot. Yes.
Body language and eye contact (10%)
Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Are you reading occasionally from your notes? Are you doing any gestures / movement to hold the attention of the audience?

I was very nervous but I think that I saw at the audience. Yes, I read a little bit.
Structure (10%)
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance? Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear?
Yes. Fist of all the introduccion, after the body structure and the last one, the conclusion and the video.

Content (40%)
Do you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Is your information detailed and clear? Do you give / show examples? Is your information copied from a source or is it original? Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books…?
Yes, I think that it was very interesting and we explained a lot of examples. We searched information in Internet but we didn't copy.

Language (20%)
Is your grammar correct, complex? Is your vocabulary rich and varied? Do you use sentence linkers? Do you use pause fillers?
Yes, we put technic words and a lot of synonyms.

Pronunciation and intonation (10%)
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
There were a lot of words that I had to listened the pronuntation.

Final Mark: (100%)


Hello, as you know we are Xènia and Marina and we are going to explain you what is plastic surgery.

First of all we explain you What is plastic surgery.
Then, we explain you different types of plastic surgery.
And finally, the conclusion.


Plastic Surgery is a surgical specialty that is dedicated to reconstruction of facial and body defects due to birth disorders, trauma, burns, and disease. Plastic surgery is also involved with the enhancement of the appearance of a person through cosmetic surgery.

Esthetic surgery is a plastic surgery subspecialty and it's exclusively performed to improve the outer appearance of healthy people.


Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) - the abdomen is reshaped and firmed.

During this surgical procedure excess skin and fact is removed from the middle and lower abdomen, with the aim of tightening the muscle and fascia of the abdominal wall. Tummy tucks are more popular among women after pregnancy and people who have lost a great deal of weight and do not like the sagging that sometimes results from this. Sometimes the sagging skin occurs for genetic reasons (the patient inherited the trait). This procedure may also improve the appearance of stretch marks, especially those located below the navel.
There are actually three different types of abdominoplasty:

- The first type is a mini tummy tuck which is done on people who only need a small amount of improvement, a small incision is made and the muscles are tightened and excess fat is removed.

- The full tummy tuck is the most common type in addition to what is done with a mini tummy tuck the skin is pulled up to tighten it and the skin from the belly button to the pubic area is removed.

- Tummy tuck is done mainly on people who have already had stomach stapling surgery since it uses the existing scars to pull the skin tight.


Mammoplasty, this may include:

- Breast enlargement:
This is one of the most common procedures in cosmetic surgery.
Breast implants may also be considered by patients who have had their breast removed, as may be the case with breast cancer. Breast implants come in many sizes, shapes and profiles.

- Breast reduction:
Skin and glandular tissue is removed to make the breasts smaller.
There is a study that it said that Breast reduction reduces breast cancer risk among high-risk women.

- Mastopexy:
As the skin loses its elasticity, gravity starts taking its toll, plus other factors such as weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding alter the shape and firmness of the breasts, some women want a breast lift. The breast lift raises the breasts, giving them a more youthful contour.

Lower-body lift - this may include:
1.1 Buttock augmentation - this procedure enhances the appearance of the buttocks by making them larger. The surgeon will either graft fat from another part of the patient's body, or use a silicone implant.
1.2 Buttock lift - this procedure lifts the buttocks so that they stick out more and have a tighter, more pert appearance. The surgeon does not always need to place implants. A scarless technique can be used for buttock lift.

May also include procedures to tighten loose, sagging skin in the backs of the thighs, hips, outer thighs, and the front of the thighs.


Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure which can be performed on different areas of the body although the majority of people most frequently decide for liposuction of abdomen and thighs.

The liposuction techniques are simple.

During the procedure patients are under general or local anesthesia depending on the amount of removed fat and the technique. In average, the procedure takes 1 to 3 hours depending of the size of treated area.

Facelift (rhytidectomy) - rhytidectomy means to remove wrinkles surgically.
The goal is to make the patient's face look younger. Excess facial skin is removed without tightening underlying tissue.
The most popular one is to make an incision in front of the ear which extends into the hairline and also curves around the bottom of the ear and then behind it.


Rhinoplasty is surgery to reshape the nose. It can make the nose larger or smaller; change the angle of the nose in relation to the upper lip; or other defects in the nose.
Rhinoplasty may be done using general or local anesthesia. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure but sometimes requires a 1-night stay in the hospital or surgery center.


Tummy tuck: abdominoplàstia
Sagging skins: pell caiguda
Navel: melic
Tighten: reforçat

Enhancement: Millora

Surgeon: Cirurgià

Fatty Layers:


Seeking information we found that many people are obsessed about getting plastic surgery.

We believe that many operations can be dangerous because there are many risks during the operation. Even, there is the risk of death.

During the search of information, we found a case of a man who underwent a lot of operations because he wanted to look like Ken doll.

Do you have any question?

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