diumenge, 1 de desembre del 2013

Teen who covered Katy Perry's 'Roar' dies

Olivia Wise was a teenager that died Monday because she didn't want that an inoperable brain tumor killed her spirit.
She became famous because, in September, she recorded a Katy Perry song and it became an online hit.

Her family said that she died peacefully in her home. When she knew that her tumor was inoperable, she said at her family that she didn't wanted that they were cry.

Katy Perry listened Olivia's version about her hit "Roar" and she said: "I was very moved and you sounded great," "I love you. A lot of people love you and that's why your video got to me. It moved everybody that saw it." Katy Perry concluded with: "Keep roaring!"

The Olivia's song drew the international attention and helped raise $77,000 for a fundation who was started in her name in support of brain tumor research.

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