dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011


STEP 1: My birthday

STEPS 2, 3 AND 5:

On the 19th of April, my birthday, I went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. I remember that a lot of friends came to the restaurant to celebrate my birthday. I was felt excited and happy. After dinner we went to a pub, "The Saloon", because we love dancing and the Saloon is a good local to do it.
When we were going to the Saloon, my friends gave me some presents. They bought t-shirts and jeans for me. I loved the jeans! I remember that after I'd stayed in the restaurant, I went to Figueres because my mum bought me some clothes, and I saw the jeans which my friends bought me and I loved it.

To conclude with it was a night that I'll never forget because I had enjoyed being with my friends and I had a really good time.


To conclude: En conclusió


I think that my writing it's correct.

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