dilluns, 5 de març del 2012

NEWS: Violence in Valencia

Students from Lluis Vives High school in Valencia stopped traffic when they protested against The Valencian Education Authority. They protested because they had no heating in their classrooms. The students were attacked by the police.
They protested again against the police violence against children younger than 18.

Paris, the city of love

One of places I would like to travel with my boyfriend is Paris.
I think that Paris is the most romantic city in the world and I would like to up in Eiffel Tower at night with him. I would like to go shopping in the champs elisees and buy a lot of clothes too.
The last day I would like to go to Disneyland to have a good time.

NEWS: Anonymous is disagree with SOPA project

Anonymous, a hackers group, has joined the protest against the proposed law, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) aimes by Congress against Google and Facebook.

 On twitter, Anonymous will not publish on the 18th of January, to show their solidarity. 

The SOPA project wants to investigate anyone or any business that publishes information on the internet without the authors consent.

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012

ORAL PRESENTATION: Life in the 3rd world.

3rd world

Hello, we are Sara, Marina and Aida and now we’re going to tell you the life of the 3rd world.
  • Food: In the third world people cultivate their own food, but also they don’t have many resources for food. The people have to deal the little food they have, and also the 1st world countries takes advantages of them.

  • Water and hygiene: The poor countries don’t have access to potable water so many people die of dehydration. The little water that they have is contaminated or simply is rain water and to drink this water thousands of people die every day. To get some water a lot of people have to walk many kilometers.For this lack of water the habitants of the third world have no hygiene.
  • Houses: In the 3rd world, people live in mud houses. In this houses live 4 or 5 persons, depends on the family.People live in villages and in poor conditions.
  • Studies and work: There are very few schools in the 3rd wold. The majority of children have to go to the war or they have to work in the field.
For this reasons that we just explained the life in the third world is very poor. They have a lot of diseases and a lot of people want to immigrate to the first world, because a lot of people die every day. The little children don’t have oportunities for survive, because the conditions are very bad. The children to get survive have to work very early and with very bad conditions for get a little bit food and economy for their families for they can survive one more day.
We are so disapointed with this situation and we would like to do something better for change it, because we don’t like see how this people have hungry while we have a lot of innecesary things and a lot of food that we don’t eat and they don’t have anyone and die for a little disease. Now at days there are a lot of ONG and organitations for give some things and food to this people. We can found it in the streets and once a year in some schools.

My favourite film: Breakfast at Tiffany's


Holly Golightly lives in a brownstone on Manhattan's swank East Side. Totally madcap, she has a partially furnished apartment, owns a cat with no name, gets rid of the "mean reds" by visiting Tiffany's jewelry store, and is forever misplacing her door key, much to the dismay of her upstairs neighbor Mr. Yunioshi, a Japanese photographer. Holly makes her living in two ways: she receive $50 from her gentlemen escorts whenever she needs powder room money, and she is paid $100 for each weekly trip she makes to Sing Sing Prison, where she visits Sally Tomato, an ex-mobster. One day Paul Varjak, a young writer who is supported by an older woman nicknamed "2E", comes into Holly's life. Following one of Holly's wild cocktail parties hosted by her Hollywood agent, O.J. Berman, Paul unexpectedly meets Doc Golightly, a gentle Texan whom Holly married when she was only 15 years old. Holly explains to Paul that the marriage was annulled long ago, and he helps her send the heartbroken Doc away. After a day on the town together, Paul realizes that he is in love with Holly and proposes to her; but she is determined to marry José,a South American millionaire. However, when it is publicly revealed that Holly has been innocently carrying narcotics ring information from Sally Tomato to his New York associates, the stuffy José abandons her. Furious at everything and everyone, Holly kicks Cat out of her taxicab into the rain and decides to leave town for Brazil, but Paul lectures her and then goes out to find Cat. Holly realizes how much she is giving up and races through the wet New York streets to a happy reunion with Paul and Cat.


NEWS: Miracle make up

Actually there are lots of products of businesses that make beauty products to help against skin problems. Lots of places (magazines, tv,computer..)there are advertisements about miracle make up.
Do they work?
I think no, because when we have got spots and wrinkles and we put the cream on our face, they don't work and sometimes have got even more! Most are very expensive. It's better prevention eat better, drink a lot of water and do not sit in the sun.
We should start young to prevent problems in the future.

A formal letter

35 Ponent Street
Castelló d'Empúries
30th   November 2011
12 Park Road
GU7 15F

Dear Brendan Clark,

I am writing to you to express my ideas about school uniforms.
I agree they aren't stylish but they're practical too.
I disagree that everyone wears the same because people can't express their personality. I disagree that people don't spend all of the money on clothes because uniforms are more expensive than every day clothes.
Finally,I think it's easy to choose your clothes every morning.

I haven't got personal experience about school uniforms, but I will never wear school uniforms because if I wear it, I won't express my personality.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Marina Bordas.

My new year resolutions

There was very small time that we are in 2012 and I think it's a good moment to do my new year resolutions.

1-I will to get better marks because in batxillerat is very important for study the career I will work when I grow up.
2- I will found a job in summer because I will got more money to go shopping and to save for driving licence.
3- I will lose weight.
4- I will to go more brown in summer.

A newspaper report

STEP 1- Think
·Classroom      ·Police
·Car                 ·Injured
·Joy riders       ·Prison
·Crash             ·Destroy
·Children        ·Luck

STEP 2- Use a dictionary

Joy riders: Persona que es passeja amb un cotxe robat.

STEP 3- Plan

What happened?  Car crash into a classroom.

Where?  Ruiz Amado's school in Castelló d'Empúries.

When?  At midnight on Wednesday 14th of December.

Why?  Because joy riders are a problem in this area.

STEP 4- Write

Paragraph 1:

Yesterday, at midnight of Wednesday 14th of December, joy riders crashed into a classroom in Ruiz Amado's school in Castelló d'Empúries.

Paragraph 2:

At midnight, neighbours heard a loud noise. All of them came out of their houses. They saw a car crashed into a classroom.
In the car there were three joy riders. One was badly injured. One neighbour rang the police and the ambulance.
The police took two joy riders to prison and the other went to a hospital.
Fortunately they weren't children there, but the classroom was destroyed and class was cancelled.

Paragraph 3:

One neighbour, Mrs Martínez declared “What luck! The accident was at night and children weren't in school”.

Paragraph 4:

Joy riding is a problem in this area. The police are working so this accident doesn't happen again.

STEP 5- Check

· Was the paragraph 1 summarize the story? Yes
· Have you included any adverbs in paragraph 2? Yes
· Have you used several reporting verbs in paragraphs 2 and 3? Yes
· Is your spelling and grammar? Yes

STEP 6- Correct


Yesterday, at midnight of Wednesday 14th of December, joy riders crashed into a classroom in Ruiz Amado's school in Castelló d'Empúries.
 At midnight, neighbours heard a loud noise. All of them came out of their houses. They saw a car crashed into a classroom.
In the car there were three joy riders. One was badly injured. One neighbour rang the police and the ambulance.
The police took two joy riders to prison and the other went to a hospital.
Fortunately they weren't children there, but the classroom was destroyed and class was cancelled.
 One neighbour, Mrs Martínez declared “What luck! The accident was at night and children weren't in school”.
 Joy riding is a problem in this area. The police are working so this accident doesn't happen again.

What is fashion?

Actually, the fashion industry is very influenced by trendsetters and cool hunters.
Designers, fashion brands, marketing companies all have to lookat what is fashionable.
They have to look at what the trendsetters and cool hunters wearing.
The designers make a lot of different products because in different neighbourhoods, there are different ideas of fashion. Clothes, shoes and sneaker prototypes depend on the neighbourhoodand what is fashion there.
What is fashion? Fashion is what the trendsetters are wearing, but does it look good on you?
Also, there are people that are wearing fashion clothes but they aren't trendsetters. They are fashion victims, because they don't look good in the new fashions. For example Lady Gaga is a trendsetter but who can wear her style?
Another example is Kate Middleton, she is a trendsetter but her clothes are always very expensive.
Everyone cannot be fashionable all the time.


Sara has been one of my friends since I was born. She has helped me with all my problems and she never fails me.
Sara is a sociable, friendly person and very funny too. She always smiles.
She is a beautiful girl. She has got long straight brown hair and brown eyes. She is short and thin.
She loves to go to parties and to go shopping.
She hates false people and people who critisize other people without knowing them.

We are best friends because we like similar things and because when I had a problem she was with me. We went to the same class when we were small.

I consider her like my sister. We sometimes get angry but we aren't able to stay angry for more than five minutes. We don't  have secrets from eachother, we always speak about our problems and we try to salve them. I'll think that our friendship is forever.