diumenge, 4 de març del 2012

ORAL PRESENTATION: Life in the 3rd world.

3rd world

Hello, we are Sara, Marina and Aida and now we’re going to tell you the life of the 3rd world.
  • Food: In the third world people cultivate their own food, but also they don’t have many resources for food. The people have to deal the little food they have, and also the 1st world countries takes advantages of them.

  • Water and hygiene: The poor countries don’t have access to potable water so many people die of dehydration. The little water that they have is contaminated or simply is rain water and to drink this water thousands of people die every day. To get some water a lot of people have to walk many kilometers.For this lack of water the habitants of the third world have no hygiene.
  • Houses: In the 3rd world, people live in mud houses. In this houses live 4 or 5 persons, depends on the family.People live in villages and in poor conditions.
  • Studies and work: There are very few schools in the 3rd wold. The majority of children have to go to the war or they have to work in the field.
For this reasons that we just explained the life in the third world is very poor. They have a lot of diseases and a lot of people want to immigrate to the first world, because a lot of people die every day. The little children don’t have oportunities for survive, because the conditions are very bad. The children to get survive have to work very early and with very bad conditions for get a little bit food and economy for their families for they can survive one more day.
We are so disapointed with this situation and we would like to do something better for change it, because we don’t like see how this people have hungry while we have a lot of innecesary things and a lot of food that we don’t eat and they don’t have anyone and die for a little disease. Now at days there are a lot of ONG and organitations for give some things and food to this people. We can found it in the streets and once a year in some schools.

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