divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014


Beyoncé's concert

A few months ago, I saw Beyoncé's concert in Madrid. It was so amazing!

I think that nobody disagreed that Beyoncé is one of the best singers in the world.

In the concert, Beyoncé sang her last album "Beyoncé". The best song was "Drunk in love", it was so sweety and lovely because her husband, Jay Z, sang with her.

The concert took place in El Palacio de los Deportes in Madrid. Unfortunately I couldn't go there, but I saw it on video and, in my opinion, it was the best concert that I have ever seen.

dimecres, 26 de febrer del 2014

See the Ballerinas Taking Over Instagram

The photographer Dane Shitagi has been working in a "Ballerina Project" that it consists in to take photos of different ballerinas on the street or another places that they aren't on the stage.

There are an Instagram account where are the photos. The account has 240.000 followers.

The professional ballerinas appear in solitary and in an urban place because they look more natural and their beauty stands out.

Alessandra Ambrosio on Designing Her Own Clothing Line

Alessandra Ambrosio (Vicroria's Secret Topmodel) announced her own clothing line before the kick-off the New York Fashion Week, when she was busy about football. She said that she was at her first Super Bowl accompanied by her fiancé.

The Super Bowl wasn't the reason that Alessandra travel to New York. She travel to the City that never sleeps because she wanted to show her own clothing line for Planet Blue.

Her clothing line consists on how she dress (versatile, sexy and sensual, and very feminine). The prices of the line starts at $60 to $270 and it will be sale on shops and online on 17th of March.

Briton Polly McCourt gives birth in New York street

Polly Mc Court gave birth when she left her Upper East Side home last Monday.
She gave birth at the junction of East 68th Street and 3rd Ave.

People who walked near Polly offered their scarves and coat to warm her and her child before the emergency arrived where they were. A woman who helped Polly said that it was "A Miracle on 3rd Avenue".

The mother and her child arrived healthy at the hospital.

Polly's husband was stuck in traffic when he got the call that his wife was giving birth at their third child.

According to the New York Daily News, the couple have two other children, Conor and Adele.

Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia dies

The famous Spanish flamenco guitarist Paco de Lucia has died at the age of 66.

Paco de Lucia was famous because he created the "New Flamenco" that it consists by crossover collaborations with guitarists, for example, Eric Clapton and jazz pianist Chick Corea.

Paco de Lucia was in Mexico when he started to be ill. 
He died Tuesday, on the way to the hospital in Mexico.

Miguel Nuñez said that Paco de Lucia died because of a heart attack.

My future

This year is my last year in high school. In September, I will go to the University.
I would like to study in Girona because I'm near my house than  if I study in Barcelona.

In the University, I would like to study pedagogy or psychology because they are degrees that they appeal to me and I would like to help people who need it.

During my years in Girona I would like to live with my friends in a flat because I think that it's an experience that I never forget and it helps me to be more independent.

Before I finish the degree I would like to do an Erasmus because I want to know another culture, to meet new people and to learn another language.

Another thing that I would like to do is learn more english and get the first certificate or another english qualification and for get it, I would like to live in England for few months.

dimarts, 25 de febrer del 2014

British Style

I'm a girl who loves style and be fashion. One of my favourite styles is the British style because the people are very elegant and always look good.

The english girls are famous for their extravagant style. They use a lot of make up, a lot of extensions, fake eye lashes and fake nails.

I also love their clothes. They sometimes wear dresses or skirts and high-heeled shoes.

The thing that I like the most is that they don't criticise between their for their way to dress because they have got a lot of personality or at least it seems. 

Facebook's WhatsApp adding voice calls

Whatsapp was bought by Mark Zuckerberg, the inventor of Facebook for $19 bilion.

At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Whatsapp Company said that Whatsapp will adding phone calls to its list of services, and it will be free.

Nowdays, Whatsapp offers unlimited messages between users. It costs 99 cents yearly.

Voice service will start with Apple and Andoid's systems and then with Windows and Blackberry's phones.

The "new" Whatsapp has got a lot of competiton with other apps that their offer voice messages such as Skype.

PETA celebrates Animal-Friendly Designers

The brands that they are "friends of animals" were honoured by PETA in its Approved Vegan Fashion Awards. Stella McCartney was one of the winner brands.

Stella McCartney, that she never put animals' skin on her clothes or her accessories, was joined by Vivienne Westwood, who won the prize of Most Stylish Men's Outerwear.

Another brands that they won prizes were ASOS, New Look and Topshop.
Alice Vandy won the title of Most Talented New Designer.

Can Internet change the world for the better?

It seems that our society has become complety dependent on the Internet.
From our point of view there are more positive than negative aspects about the changes in the world because of the Internet.

On the one hand, we can know a lot of information more quickly about a lot of different things. For example, we can know the economic situation of Jamaica. In addiction, we are connected with the society, a lot of people find a job in the Internet, you can buy clothes, cars, etc. Moreover, you can see your family, your friends, etc throught the Internet. For this reason a lot of people use it.

On the other hand, to use Internet is bad for the society because we don't comunicate face to face so much. Lastly, Internet is a bad thing because it creates addiction.

In conclusion, we think that Internet is a good social media but we should make a better use of it.

dilluns, 24 de febrer del 2014


I use Internet for a lot of things: to search information, to talk with my friends, to buy clothes, to watch TV programmes, etc.

Nowdays, Internet is an important thing in my life because I have Internet in my own cell phone and in my house too.

The social networks that I always use are Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This apps are in my computer and they are also in my cell phone.

For search information, I use different webs, one of they is Wikipedia that it started in 2001.

dijous, 13 de febrer del 2014

Gossip girl

From my point of view, Gossip girl is the best TV programme in the world.
The programme takes place in the city of New York, specially on Manhattan and Brooklyn and sometimes in Paris.

Gossip girl tells the story of Serena Van Der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald and Dan Humphrey. They are wealthy teenagers that they live in Manhattan's Upper East Side, except Dan Humphrey that he lives in Brooklyn because he isn't rich, although he goes to the same school that the others.

There are a lot of romances in the serie but my favourite is the relationship between Chuck and Blair because it's a complicated romace because they are so similar and they are very proud and they don't want to recognize it. But I think that it's a lovely relationship (It remembers me the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy;)).

My favourite character is Blair Waldorf. I really feel identified with her because she loves be in style, she is a little bit insecure but she is very strong and she doesn't let anybody trample over her.
She admires Audrey Hepburn and her favourite film is "Breakfast at Tiffany's, like me.

Dan   Chuck   Blair    Serena   Nate.

One of my favourite scenes:

Study of ADHD

Hello, as you know, my name is Marina Bordas and my research project is about the study of ADHD.
I decided to do my project about ADHD because I would like to study psychology at University, and it is a disorder that is increasingly diagnosed in children and some years ago it was diagnosed for my sister.
This disorder is quite complex, because many people think that it's invented.

Attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common source
neurobiological that begins in childhood between 7-9 years old, and is characterized by
presence of attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity and impulsivity.

Impulsivity is characterized by a lack of self-control or inability to inhibit behavior.
Hyperactivity is characterized by frequent movement of hands and feet.

There is no definite cause for 100% ADHD. Not all children have the same symptoms and the symptoms can vary according to age, so may cause problems about diagnosis and treatment. The treatment of ADHD is multimodal, that is, involves more than one professional doctor,teachers, parents and the patient. And medicines are dangerous, as there are many side effects.

Doing the project I learnt that there are many people who don't know what ADHD is and I think that it should be reported because, as I mentioned before, there are more people with the disorder and, from the point of view of education, I think that teachers should adapt exams and follow the protocol that has been established so that students can continue in classes , with good conditions and they are more motivated to get better marks.

Do you use any resources? Are the resources relevant and attractive and focused on the topic? Do they support your presentation? Is the timing 5-7 minutes?

Yes, I used a power-point. Yes, it helped me a lot. Yes.
Body language and eye contact(10%)
Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Are you reading occasionally from your notes? Are you doing any gestures / movement to hold the attention of the audience?

I was very nervous but I think that I saw at the audience. Yes, I read a little bit.
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance? Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear?
Yes. Fist of all the introduccion, after the body structure and the last one, the conclusion.

Content (40%)
Do you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Is your information detailed and clear? Do you give / show examples? Is your information copied from a source or is it original? Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books…?
Yes, I think that it was very interesting and I explained some examples. I searched information in my TDR (Internet, books and interviews).

Is your grammar correct, complex? Is your vocabulary rich and varied? Do you use sentence linkers? Do you use pause fillers?
Yes, I put technic words and synonyms.

Pronunciation and intonation(10%)
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
There were a lot of words that I had to listened the pronuntation.


Final Mark: (100%)                                                                61