dijous, 22 de maig del 2014

Four weddings and a funeral

Charles is an attractive man who has a lot of girlfriends.

The first wedding is that of Angus and Laura. Charled is the best man and he and his single friends wonder if they will ever get married.
At the wedding, Charles meets Carrie, a beautiful American and they spend the night together.

The second wedding is that of Bernard and Lydia. They met in the first wedding.
Charles is happy because Carrie is attending the wedding but she goes with her fiancé Sir Hamish Banks.
Charles and Carrie spend a night together.

A monthd later, Charles recived an invitation to Carrie's wedding. While shopping in London, Charles bumps up into Carrie in a shop and he helps Carrie to select her wedding dress.
Charles confess his love but he comes too late.

The third wedding is that of Carrie and Hamish.
Charles is depresed because is the Carrie's wedding.
During the groom's toast, Garreth dies of a heart attack.

The funeral is that of Garreth.
After the funeral, Charles and Tom (Charles's friend) have a discussion.

The fourth wedding is that of Charled and Henrietta (an old girlfriend of Charles).
Before the wedding Carrie arrives at the church and reveals to Charled that she and Hamish aren't together.

During the wedding, when the vicar asks that if anyone knows a reason why the couple should not marry, David (a deaf brother of Charles) says in sign language that Charles is having doubts and loves someone else.

Finally, Charles proposes Carrie to spend the rest of her life with him without marriage and she says yes.

I enjoyed reading the book because it's very funny but I would like to change the end.

If I could change the wedding, I would like to read the wedding of Charles and Carrie.

In my opinion, in the fourth wedding, when the vicar asks if anyone knows a reason why the couple should not marry, Charles should tell that he falls in love with Carrie and he wants to spend his life with her and after that, Charles will marry Carrie.

dissabte, 17 de maig del 2014

My English competence in 2014

It has been three years that I did this blog and, as you can see, I have a lot of posts.

If I have to choose my best oral evidence, definetly I choose my last podcast "Fashion stereotypes". 

On the one hand, I talked about a topic that I like and it's interesting for me. I learned new vocabulary, too.

On the other hand, I think that when I did my oral presentations, they weren't very good because I get very nervous and, when I did them in front of the class, I read a little bit. However, when I did the oral presentations, I spent a really good time with Xènia.

If I have to choose my best written evidence, I choose my your-say "Gossip girl".

First of all, I think that in this your-say I showed my ability to write in English, I used conectors, rich vocabulary, a good structure,...

Secondly, I think that it's important to write about a topic that I like because when I wrote it, I did it with enthusiasm and it wasn't difficult to write.

In conclusion, I think that I did a really good job and there are another posts that I think that they are good like the description of my mom or the your-say that I wrote about my future.

My English progress from 2012-2014

If I can see my first post and my last post in this blog I can see an enormous evolution.

When I started this blog I didn't make an effort. I did the tasks that the teacher said but, as you can see, in the beginning of my blog my posts are short and very basic. I only wrote one paragraph, I didn't use the dictionary, I spent a long time to write my posts,...

Now, I think that I learn a lot of English and I'm able to do better posts, like my lasts posts, that they are longer and the vocabulary is more rich. The structure in my posts are good (two or three paragraphs), I use the dictionary, when I write a post I do it more quick than before, ...

Even though I can do better posts, I'm very proud of myself because this year I learned a lot and the result that I have is very positive and it makes me a motivation to learn more English in the future.

My first post: http://marinabordas.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/presentation.html
My last post: http://marinabordas.blogspot.com.es/2014/05/someone-i-admire.html

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Benetton Rana Plaza Protests

Protesters chained their hands and necks in Benetton's shop in Oxford Circus in the first anniversary of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh.

The cause is the fall of the clothes factory in Bangladesh that it killed 1,134 people and injuring over 2,500 people. In the ruins there were Benetton labels and the clothes brand didn't want to pay the compensation to the survivors and the families.

There are clothes companies like Primark, which their company is in the Rana Plaza building, and it begun to pay the remunerations to the survivors and families of the victims of the tragedy.

People who protest think that $40 milion dollars would be the compensation that Benetton would have to pay.

Dolce and Gabbana Found Guilty Of Tax Evasion

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were guilty of tax evasion.

The trial took place the month before by a three-judge panel that they decided that the designers were guilty. 

The veredict was 20 years of prision sentence for them because of the sale of their brands "Dolce and Gabbana" and "G&B" to the holding society Srl in 2004.

The duo always denied the charges that they have been accused, and in March the district attorney, Gaetano Santamaría, said that "the case is groundless".

Fashion stereotypes

dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014

Blair Waldorf

Blair Waldorf is a Gossip girl character that I feel identified.

She is an insecure girl who loves be in style, she always want to look good and she loves go shopping.

Her favourite film is "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and she admires Audrey Hepburn, like me.

In Gossip Girl, Blair is the Queen B of her high school, and sometimes my friends tell me that when they listen Queen B, they think with me because I'm very pretty and there are people who say that I'm posh.

Another characteristic that I look like her is that if I want something, I don't stop until get it.