dissabte, 17 de maig del 2014

My English competence in 2014

It has been three years that I did this blog and, as you can see, I have a lot of posts.

If I have to choose my best oral evidence, definetly I choose my last podcast "Fashion stereotypes". 

On the one hand, I talked about a topic that I like and it's interesting for me. I learned new vocabulary, too.

On the other hand, I think that when I did my oral presentations, they weren't very good because I get very nervous and, when I did them in front of the class, I read a little bit. However, when I did the oral presentations, I spent a really good time with Xènia.

If I have to choose my best written evidence, I choose my your-say "Gossip girl".

First of all, I think that in this your-say I showed my ability to write in English, I used conectors, rich vocabulary, a good structure,...

Secondly, I think that it's important to write about a topic that I like because when I wrote it, I did it with enthusiasm and it wasn't difficult to write.

In conclusion, I think that I did a really good job and there are another posts that I think that they are good like the description of my mom or the your-say that I wrote about my future.

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