dijous, 1 de maig del 2014

Fashion stereotypes

In Fashion world there are a lot of stereotypes. For example, you have to be super skinny for to be beautiful. 

According to the stereotype of beauty, we have to be tall (minimum 1'70 cm) and we have to be 90-60-90 body size.

A few years ago, it wasn't like this. The girls who had a 38 size were beautiful and fashion icons, like Marilyn Monroe. Now, if you don't have the smallest size you are fat and ugly.

This type of stereotype causes eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia and it's dangerous because there are a lot of teenagers who suffer these disorders because they want to be attractive.

Nowadays, there are some clothes brands who want to break with it and they try to show the "real women"; women with real sizes like in the past.

In my opinion, I think that it's a good idea show the "real women" because I suffered the consequences of stereotypes and I don't want that other people happen for them because they are very hard.

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