dissabte, 17 de maig del 2014

My English progress from 2012-2014

If I can see my first post and my last post in this blog I can see an enormous evolution.

When I started this blog I didn't make an effort. I did the tasks that the teacher said but, as you can see, in the beginning of my blog my posts are short and very basic. I only wrote one paragraph, I didn't use the dictionary, I spent a long time to write my posts,...

Now, I think that I learn a lot of English and I'm able to do better posts, like my lasts posts, that they are longer and the vocabulary is more rich. The structure in my posts are good (two or three paragraphs), I use the dictionary, when I write a post I do it more quick than before, ...

Even though I can do better posts, I'm very proud of myself because this year I learned a lot and the result that I have is very positive and it makes me a motivation to learn more English in the future.

My first post: http://marinabordas.blogspot.com.es/2011/11/presentation.html
My last post: http://marinabordas.blogspot.com.es/2014/05/someone-i-admire.html

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