dijous, 28 de novembre del 2013

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is one of my favourite TV programmes.

The television serie is about four girls who want to know the death of their "leader" Alison DiLaurentis.
The protagonists are Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin and Emily Fields.

The serie started with a party in Spencer's house. The five friends spent a really good time and Alison wanted to frightened Toby Cavanaugh, the neighbour. But Alison's idea didn't worked and they burned a hut. Inside the hut stayed Jenna Marshall, Toby's stepsister.

In the incident, Jenna became blind and Toby saw that Alison was guilty, but he didn't say nothing because Alison knew all the secrets of people. At the same night Alison was disappeared and after one year, Alison's body appeared. She was dead, but the body was disappeared during the funeral and the four friends thought that she wasn't dead.

From that day, Hanna, Emily, Spencer and Aria received violent sms from "A", the Alison's murderer. They didn't know who is he/she, and throughout the chapters they will know who is "A" and if Alison is dead or not.

dimarts, 26 de novembre del 2013

Kate Moss recived the British Fashion Award

The last 29th of November Kate Moss recived a special recognition award at British Fashion Awards for her contributon to the fashion industry during her 25-year career.

She worked for the world's bigger brands like Chanel, Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Calvin Klein, Louis Vuitton and Alexander Mc Queen.

The most impact of her is her style insipated about rock which has become synonymous about British fashion. She designed a collection for Topshop in 2007 and she will design another next year.

The Supermodel collected the prize at the London Coliseum.


dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2013


Saturated fat isn’t the only factor who cause heart disease; they are another factors, for example, sugar.

There are studies that they can demostrate that saturated fat (cholesterol) it’s healthy to eat. But if we consume food with a lot of cholesterol levels, we have got a lot of risks; heart attack is an example.

Cholesterol levels are influenced by different things: Diet, exercice and drugs (statins). 
Statins are a group of medicines that they can help lower levels of cholesterol in the blood. It also can be reduced by eating healthy food and doing physical activity.


Miley Cyrus started singing like Hannah Montana when she was 11 years old.

At the age of 17 she decided to stop with Hannah Montana and she recorded her first solo album, Breakout.
Initially she was like Disney girl, she always looked pretty ans she was a good girl, like an angel.

When she was 19 she started to be more provocative because she didn't like that people saw her like Hannah Montana.

Nowdays, she has become more radical and provocative. She cuts her hair and she dyed her hair blonde. Her clothing also changed. She said that she is 20 years old and she does what she wants.

In my opinion Miley Cyrus is a very good singer and like a singer I like her a lot. I think that she is authentic and she doesn't care what others think about her.

diumenge, 10 de novembre del 2013

Last summer

Last summer was amazing! I was working in a work office in Castelló Nou. My companions from work were very friendly, they are the best!

After work, I used to go to the Almadrava beach with my friends because I wanted to be came taned. To stand up the heat, we wento to a beach bar to drank a fresh mojito.

During the nights, my friends and I went to parties and we spent a really good time!

The 16th of August, I went to a town near Girona because an actor's agency phoned me to took part in a film. I was very excited! The experience was incredible! There were famous actors, like Alex Monner, María León and Goya Toledo. They were very nice people!

Another thing that I think that it was a good summer is because I met new people and I could practise english and french with foreign people.

dimarts, 5 de novembre del 2013

Email to teacher

Hello Lourdes!

My name is Marina Bordas Martínez. I'm 18 years old and I live in Castelló d'Empúries with my family and my cat.

Now, I'm studying 2nd Batxillerat in IES Castelló d'Empúries. Next year, I would like to study psychology at Girona university. However, if I don't get the marks, I will study pedagogy or law. 

As a person, I'm sociable, happy and chatty. I love to go shopping with my friends and to go out with them. We always have a good time!

I don't like people who talk about things they don't know about or consider themselves better than others.

I hope you are well. See you in the next class!



Recession hits family spending on fresh food

Due to the economic crisis, many families have to cut back on consuming fresh fuits and vegetables to consume processed foods, because processed foods are cheaper.

The Institute of Fisical Studies said that pensioners, single parents and families are who have suffered the biggest decline in nutritional quality of their diets.

Products such as meat, fruit and diary products increased more than 50% of its price, while processed food only 28%.

In pensioners increased consumption of fatty foods, while in families with children increased consumption of sugary products. 

Linda Cregan, Children's Food Trust chief executive, said that having well-fed children is fundamental to the future of their health, and we look to consume foods with less saturated fat, salt and sugar.

The IFS did a long-term study (1980-2009) which showed that families consumed between 15% and 30% fewe calories but the average weight continued to rise. This was caused by the lack of sport in diets.



- Mum, mum, in school everybody tells me that I'm confused! 

- Hey, kid, this is not your house... you live opposite the street!