dimarts, 5 de novembre del 2013

Recession hits family spending on fresh food

Due to the economic crisis, many families have to cut back on consuming fresh fuits and vegetables to consume processed foods, because processed foods are cheaper.

The Institute of Fisical Studies said that pensioners, single parents and families are who have suffered the biggest decline in nutritional quality of their diets.

Products such as meat, fruit and diary products increased more than 50% of its price, while processed food only 28%.

In pensioners increased consumption of fatty foods, while in families with children increased consumption of sugary products. 

Linda Cregan, Children's Food Trust chief executive, said that having well-fed children is fundamental to the future of their health, and we look to consume foods with less saturated fat, salt and sugar.

The IFS did a long-term study (1980-2009) which showed that families consumed between 15% and 30% fewe calories but the average weight continued to rise. This was caused by the lack of sport in diets.


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