dijous, 28 de novembre del 2013

Pretty Little Liars

Pretty Little Liars is one of my favourite TV programmes.

The television serie is about four girls who want to know the death of their "leader" Alison DiLaurentis.
The protagonists are Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin and Emily Fields.

The serie started with a party in Spencer's house. The five friends spent a really good time and Alison wanted to frightened Toby Cavanaugh, the neighbour. But Alison's idea didn't worked and they burned a hut. Inside the hut stayed Jenna Marshall, Toby's stepsister.

In the incident, Jenna became blind and Toby saw that Alison was guilty, but he didn't say nothing because Alison knew all the secrets of people. At the same night Alison was disappeared and after one year, Alison's body appeared. She was dead, but the body was disappeared during the funeral and the four friends thought that she wasn't dead.

From that day, Hanna, Emily, Spencer and Aria received violent sms from "A", the Alison's murderer. They didn't know who is he/she, and throughout the chapters they will know who is "A" and if Alison is dead or not.

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